Composer Mario Diaz de León is a talented young composer who has studied with Maryanne Amacher and George Lewis. His work focuses on acoustic/electronic hybrids that often fuse the two elements into unified meta-instruments. Often structured as walls and gestures of shimmering sound, his work is influenced by contemporary composers Scelsi, Ligeti, Dumitrescu and Radulescu as well as a wide range of electronic music, free improvisation, black/drone/doom metal and American noise bands like Metalux and Sejayno. Hypnotic and ritualistic, the music relates to altered consciousness and the movement between vision states.
1. Mansion
2. The Flesh Needs Fire
3. ii.23
4. 2.20
5. Gated Eclipse
Kivie Cahn-Lipman: Celo
Claire Chase: Alto Flutes, Flute
Justine F. Chen: Violin
Nathan Davis: Percussion
Adam Friedberg: Cello
Glenda Goodman: Viola
Jacob Greenberg: Piano
Eric Lamb: Alto Flutes
Wendy Richman: Viola
Joshua Rubin: Clarinet
Dave Schotzko: Percussion
Michi Wiancko: Violin