This looks like it will be a big one folks! Three discs of material from the Hammersmith Odeon in London, 1978. As usual with the ZFT, there is no track list posted yet but from the little information they do provide it looks like the material will be coming from the same shows that produced some of the basic tracks on Sheik Yerbouti. That means we are looking at a series of shows the band played there in the biting English cold of January and February.
The band at this time was ferociously tight and sounded much fuller than their small number would imply – there were only six band members at this time, seven including Frank, and yet the sound they produced was huge (you can witness some of their antics on the Baby Snakes DVD). Band members included the powerfully heavy rhythm section of Patrick O’Hearn on bass and Terry Bozzio on drums and if this release is multi-track, which I am pretty confident it will be, you can bet they will be spewing forth from the speakers in full splendor.
Meanwhile, Frank’s guitar playing from this period was just jaw dropping. Still playing with intense chops and riffery, he was just starting to head into the more cosmic revelations found on Shut Up N’ Play Yer Guitar. This led to some massive solos such as “Black Napkins” and“Yo’ Mama,” in addition to the scorching solos found on “Punky’s Whips” and “Muffin Man.”
We’re still not sure if this is the actual cover or not but it is what they are showing on the pre-order page. As new information comes up we will post it here so be sure to check back. This is a pretty exciting release and might finally be the live release Zappa fans have been waiting for. What would be even more exciting is if this is just the start of more live vault releases coming from the ZFT. Speaking of zappa.com you can pre-order HERE! (http://www.musicmookreview.com/2010/11/music-news-frank-zappa-hammersmith-odeon-1978/)
In honor of FZ's 70th & his favorite holiday, Halloween! Brilliant performances! 1978 LIVE in London. You are there! Special Party Pack Presentation! (http://frankzappa.com/)
DISC 1 (tt 55:41):
1. Convocation/The Purple Lagoon (1-27-78) 2:18
2. Dancin' Fool (1-27-78) 3:43
3. Peaches En Regalia (2-28-78) 2:36
4. The Torture Never Stops (2-28-78) 13:52
5. Tryin' To Grow A Chin (2-28-78) 3:37
6. City Of Tiny Lites (2-28-78) 7:01
7. Baby Snakes (2-28-78) 1:54
8. Pound For A Brown (2-28-78) 20:39
DISC 2 (tt 56:17):
9. I Have Been In You (1-26-78) 13:55
10. Flakes (2-28-78) 6:39
11. Broken Hearts Are For Assholes (2-28-78) 3:54
12. Punky's Whips (1-26-78) 10:26
13. Titties 'N Beer (1-26-78) 4:49
14. Audience Participation (1-26-78) 3:32
15. The Black Page #2 (1-26-78) 2:49
16. Jones Crusher (1-25-78) 3:01
17. The Little House I Used To Live In (1-25-78) 7:13
DISC 3 (tt 62:04):
18. Dong Work For Yuda (1-25-78) 2:56
19. Bobby Brown (1-26-78) 4:54
20. Envelopes (1-26-78) 2:16
21. Terry Firma* (1-26-78) 4:10
22. Disco Boy (1-26-78) 6:43
23. King Kong (2-28-78) 10:10
24. Watermelon In Easter Hay [Prequel] (1-27-78) 3:55
25. Dinah-Moe Humm (1-26-78) 6:10
26. Camarillo Brillo (1-26-78) 3:23
27. Muffin Man (1-26-78) 6:18
28. Black Napkins (1-25-78) 5:16
29. San Ber'dino (1-25-78) 5:54
FRANK ZAPPA Lead Guitar & Vocals
TERRY BOZZIO Drums & Vocals
ADRIAN BELEW Guitar & Vocals
TOMMY MARS Keys & Vocals
ED MANN Percussion
Original Recordist, Peter Henderson Recording Trucks by Basing Street Mobile, 25-27 January & Manor Mobile, 28 February; 1978

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