"On a hot summer day one of these trios with changing cast (working title "Trio Infernal") has asked the question DID ZAPPA DRINK GRAPPA IN VARESE? Other deep rooted questions were rolled back and forth. What's still new, if the new is as new as a new detergent? (Wolfgang Dauner) --- Heinrich, how do you feel about Religion? (J.W.v.Goethe) --- Does humour belong in music? (Frank Zappa) --- How would you awake the world, if you were musician? With a sonata for a rusty can opener? Did you ever think about this? Or do you prefer to continue sleeping? (Edgar Varèse) --- But is this music or organised noise? (the humans) ... And, you wouldn't believe it, we got an answer to this inevitable and ever so resuscitating question:
As "music" visibly has with time shrunk to some extend in its meaning and importance, shouldn't I prefer to use the term "organised sound" and to avoid the monotonous question "But – is this music?" (Edgar Varèse)
But – is this music ? But call it as you like, people crack up, go nuts, flip, get really uptight, if they can't call a thing a thing and catalogue it. Always fear, always panic in the face of the new. The new always has something violent, contains a sacrilege. What is dead is holy; what is new, is different, is bad, dangerous and subversive. (Henry Miller)" http://www.fazzulmusic.ch/english/t-z-g-i-v.php
1 Opening with Objects - 7:43
2 Perpetuum - 7:52
3 OG - 12:03
4 More Memories - 8:50
5 Little Fragment - 5:21
6 Surinam - 11:35
7 For Jean - 6:09
8 Kater Carlo - 7:43
9 Alone at Lost and Found - 2:18
Markus Stauss - tenor & soprano sax
Michel Delville - guitar, guitar synth, electronics
Damien Campion - electric & double bass
Laurent Delchambre - drums, percussion, electronics

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