ZORN'S LONG AWAITED TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM BURROUGHS! Femina, Dictée and Liber Novus were a triumphant return to the file card techniques Zorn developed in the early '80s, and mark a new renaissance of the form. Acclaimed as among Zorn’s greatest recent works, Interzone could be the best of the bunch! A fan of William Burroughs and Brion Gysin since his first encounter with their work in the late '60s, Zorn has often mentioned their cut up and fold-in literary techniques as influences on his speedy jump cut compositions. With Interzone he pays homage to the work and worlds of these two maverick twentieth century artists, jumping in classic style from genre to genre, scene to scene. Stopping along the way in seedy bars, Moroccan streets, mind control offices, carnival side shows and science fiction fantasies the music develops from moment to moment with the inevitability and power of Zorn's finest work. Featuring core players of Zorn's musical landscape, some whom have worked in file card units before, and others who are new to it, the piece is replete with drama and magic. An incredible and essential new world of epic proportions!
1. Interzone 1 (15:20)
2. Interzone 2 (27:37)
3. Interzone 3 (11:21)
Cyro Baptista: Percussion
Trevor Dunn: Basses
John Medeski: Keyboards
Ikue Mori: Electronics
Marc Ribot: Guitars, Banjo, Sintir, Cümbüs
Kenny Wollesen: Drums, Vibes, Chimes, Typani, Wollesonics, Percussion
John Zorn: Saxophone