News from the Finnish underworld, the thunder hammers again. "Valtra" is the new work, in German "power" or "power", and is of course again on behalf of the gripping sound of this bizarre band from Helsinki. The most important change: A new man at the drums hammer and a new master of ceremonies, responsible for the sheet metal department. What has changed? The nine new compositions may have become more accessible, but this by no means synonymous with means "diluted". It could perhaps be expressed thus: the energetics of the enormous volume was steered into smaller, more focused tracks, which is for the listener a better overall sound output. It is limited to no longer give priority to go to a full broadside at high speed beats (which make up course, still the icing on the cake), but they have put some more emphasis on sophisticated fine-tuning. And that includes to switch back a few times to switch gears and baladeske climes, where grapples saxophonist and clarinetist, Jarno "Stakula" Sarkula with lyrical, oriental feel melancholy or carrying funeral march music. This gives the repertoire of a high-contrast variation, which we know to appreciate. Seen in the tentative realignment has certainly paid off. Also fits well with the 15-year service anniversary. Congratulations on this and hammer at a good new album.
1. Riistomaasiirtäjä
2. Henkipatto
3. Hajakas
4. Norsuvaljakko
5. Haudankantaja
6. Luu Messingillä
7. Väärä Käärme
8. Uurnilla
9. Hirmuhallinto
Jarno Sarkula: Saxophones, clarinets and tuba
Erno Haukkala: Trombone, brass
Miikka Huttunen: Pump organ, grand piano
Tuukka Helminen: Cello
Marko Manninen: Cello, theremin
Santeri Saksala: Drums, percussion

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