The quintet’s debut LP is a gauzy web of otherworldy psych-organ, droning guitar fuzz, funky African and Eastern percussion and febrile modulations that explores the rarefied space rock landscape once mapped out by bands like Pink Floyd, Can, Brainticket and, more recently, Vibravoid. As you immerse yourself in the dramatic soundscape which unfolds over the course of these 9 songs, expect to be transported to the beautiful yet terrifying end of the universe depicted in outsider artist Eugene Von Bruenchenhein’s 1962 painting “Transmalinnia”, which adorns the cover. Set the controls, because hearing is believing.
01. Burning Mirrors
02. Black Tusk
03. Xulux
04. Atlanta Brook
05. Melting Space
06. Calalini Rises
07. Hashshashin
08. Longwave
09. Gaussian Castles

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